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4 Decor Concepts for Your Patio

Top interior designers believe that a patio occupies a special place in any home, as it is envisaged by the residents to act as a tranquil space that would make them forget about all their worries once they have a cup of tea there after a long and tiring day. The patio, therefore, is a pacifying bas

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4 years ago
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4 Luxury Living Room Ideas for Your Home

The living room is not just a place to relax, it is the real temple of your house. At the time of construction, one of the most imperative things you envisage is having intimate get-togethers with friends and family in your very new living room. Making a luxury living room does not mean that you mus

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4 years ago
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Have a Seat: Seating Options for Luxury Homes

Gone are the days when a construction company in Lahore built outdated residences for unsuspecting clients. Homeowners know exactly what they want when they commission construction in Lahore on their new villa. To take some liberty with a famous saying, luxury is also in the details! It is those lit

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6 years ago
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Organize This: Smart Ways to Stay Clutter-Free

We all have that one friend, who despite our best efforts, cannot reduce the clutter in their otherwise beautiful home. They may even defend their living style by saying there is a ‘method to their madness’. To be honest, none of us are immune to busy periods in our lives where cleanliness drops

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6 years ago
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Our homes are meant to be safe havens, both physically and emotionally, where we rush to at the end of a workday. Often, the more stressful the experience is, the more eager we become to retire in our favorite corner of the house. If we live with family members, those cozy nooks might not be availab

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6 years ago
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Nautical-Themed Home Décor

You hear the soft lapping of waves as the yacht lazily makes its way down the marina- this is what an ideal holiday escape looks like.  Upon waking up from your siesta, chances are the only lapping you will hear is the dog drinking from the water bowl. All hope is not lost, however, if what you

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6 years ago
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Marble vs. Tile: What Will Work Best In Your Home?

When getting a house built, we want every single detail to be picture-perfect.  Along with the perfect outlook, we also desire a house that is both comfortable and durable. From the rooftop to the smallest tile on the driveway, every aspect of building a new house requires meticulous planning.

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6 years ago
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What Designers Never Tell You About Colors

The minute you decide to change the interior of your home, you are instantly bombarded with endless options - from the softness of the pillow cushions to the patterns on the sofa fabric. Will those robin-egg blue tiles work better in the guest bathroom or should you stick to the classic black-and-wh

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6 years ago
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5 Quick Ways to Declutter Your Living Room

A lifestyle trend that is simply impossible to ignore is that of decluttering one’s home. It stems from the minimalist concept that less is more. Followers of the minimalism movement believe that clean spaces significantly boost creativity and that overall decluttering increases efficiency- whethe

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6 years ago
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Tips for Reducing Clutter in Your House

In almost every house, there is a challenge of keeping it clutter free. A family of five people, all living under one roof are probably familiar with the nightmare of piled up bills, crowded kitchens and even garage clutter. Interior decorators in Lahore are of the opinion that most people feel that

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7 years ago