

The Fabric Showroom

In my mind, this was a shop versus showcase approach. Fabric shops tend to be floral, cluttered and noisy places, where refinement and class take a backseat ...

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Arches have been significant throughout history with their ability to hold tension in the structures as well as providing beauty to the building. They have bee...

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In-Direct Lighting

For each one of us Light has a different effect and holds a completely different meaning, while some prefer big sources of light around them some prefer it mell...

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Fireplaces that are Really on Fire

Gone are the days when pits of fire were created to heat up our homes, our food and…ourselves. Now with central heating, global warming and insulation the nee...

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The Living Wall Concept

The whole idea of a living wall concept was driven from one source “The Hanging Gardens of Babylon” and has ever since been evolving with architecture. Liv...

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  Being one of the most important parts of Masonry construction, bricks carry a history of over 10,000 years with evidence found in the ruins of Moh...

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The Construction Chronicles – Chapter One From Paper to Ground

The starting point is actually called shifting the design from paper to the ground, marking and chalking the center lines of the walls. These center lines are w...

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Global Requirements Homeowners Should Consider

A homeowner of a newly built home often experiences emotional fulfillment and a sense of pride that only fellow homeowners can understand. Having the home of yo...

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For All Current Home Owners or Soon To Be

It is not necessary to think that you live in Pakistan and you cannot have something that comes from a UK or a USA magazine. The concept of people wanting thing...

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