Are you planning to construct a house for you? You are either going for this home construction venture for the first time or you have already gone through the experience, it brings a great excitement, every time. Along with this pleasure, this new construction project puts some stress on your shoulders, because it is indeed a long project, which needs your full dedication, time and money.
Usually, hiring an architect in Pakistan is the biggest concern of the people because they have to select the right person, which could give them the best work within their allocated budgets. Here are some tips, which can help you choosing the right person for your construction venture.
Reference: Why You Need An Architect For Home Construction?
1. Ask for Referrals
Hiring an architect through referrals is the best way of choosing a reliable and tested professional. Ask people in your family, social circle and surroundings, if they know a trustworthy and well-reputed architect. This way, it would be easier for you to test the skills of the professional–for instance, if the architect has built up a house of your friend or anybody in your circle, you can check the quality of the work by having a personal visit of the residence. Moreover, inquire the homeowner about quality of the materials and also ask either working with that professional was easier. Is he reliable and responsible person? Also ask about the completion period of the project. Was it completed on time? Did your architect complete the project while living within your budget? If the budget exceeded then what was the reason behind it. Asking these questions, you would certainly reach up to a decision to start project negotiation with this professional.
2. Conduct One-on-One Conversation with Professionals
Do not rely just on one person; you have to contact more than two professionals. Have one-on-one conversation with each of the professional. This way you will not only learn about their skills but can also analyze their dedication towards your work.
3. Draw Comparison
Have a careful look at their portfolios; draw a detailed comparison of all, which should include their experiences, skills and various other things. The most important thing is the comparison of their fees with respect to their architectural capabilities. Also confirm the time duration, each of the professional takes to complete a particular construction project.
4. Tell Him Your Budget and Construction Expectations
You need to clearly explain your construction project to your professional. Tell him about your budget limitation and the probable time duration during which you want to get this project completed. Also explain the type and quality of material you want to use. Doing this, you can also help an architect to make a decision about picking up your construction project because it is not only about your choice; the professional also needs to see either working with you is a feasible option.
5. Make Sure the Constructor Will Himself Lead Your Construction Project
Sometimes, after signing contract, you get to know that your professional architect in Lahore or any other city in Pakistan, has handed over the project to some of his subordinate. In such a situation, you would certainly hesitate to proceed because you would not like to put your money and construction project on risk. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, get a surety from your constructor that he himself would lead the project from the starting point till the end.
The selection of a right constructor is undoubtedly a hectic task but once you have chosen the right professional, you will get your construction work done in an ideal way.