Usman Ghani
For a civil engineer checking the quality of the raw materials used in the construction of your home in Pakistan is a simple task. But how are you to know if the quality is good or what practices do the engineers do to test the quality?
It is quite simple, all you need is a bit of information onl
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Usman Ghani
The environment we live and work in should be a pleasant one. If it’s not – fix it!
It really is that simple.
One thing designers know is how to make the most of what’s already there. Real ingenuity lies in using existing materials to create an entirely new space, through careful arrange
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Usman Ghani
It is a well-known reality and an acknowledged social standard today, that the way you dress, your lifestyle decisions, the home and environment you live in, reflects your social standing. At the end of the day, every living soul strives to realize the ideal home and lifestyle that not just turns in
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Usman Ghani
Construction contract are a very important part of the whole deal. They should be marked to give the lawful security to the client of any sort of work being done. All the agreement, development contracts hold the agenda of rights, commitments for all the gatherings included in the agreement. Besides
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Usman Ghani
Congratulations! You are at a point where building a dream space in Pakistan is possible – now you must decide upon whom you’ll need to take you where you want to be.
The process of hiring an architect in Pakistan is simple; it can be easily summarized into a series of points.
1. Prioritiz
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